10 Best Guitar Tool Kits To Buy In 2022 (With Pros & Cons)

Yes, of course, you can take your guitar to the guitar shop. Who is denying that possibility? The guitar guy at the shop can handle the guitars better than a lot of guitarists because obviously, it is his everyday job and his bread and butter. But there are 2 things; One, this option works well for beginners. Pros might not go for this because they definitely know their instrument better than a guitar shop guy because he is seeing the instrument for the first time. The pro is practically living with it for years. And two, what if a guitar shop is not available nearby? Are maintenance or upgrades and changes only needed when you are home or near a guitar shop? What if you are in a new city? What if you are backstage about to go up and something messes up in your instrument? Or what if you are out camping with your buddies and need to jam on the bonfire? 

There are a million and one reasons you would need a guitar toolkit. And if you are in one such situation, you will either have to accept the fate or there are high chances that you will damage your beloved instrument. No, you should definitely not try and adjust your truss rod by inserting a knife into it. You will definitely need a toolkit. And it is smart to have one for the safe side. Because see, bad luck does not give a push notification.

With a toolkit at your disposal, you can pretty easily do basic stuff on your guitar. You can fix things in the body, you can do the strings, adjust the neck, or even open and fix the electrical parts like an equalizer. However, this should only be done when you have good practice over it. Which usually pros do. You will have to spend years with guitars, practice trial and error with basic, cheap, or dummy guitars. But once you are at it and know how to use a toolkit, you will realize its significance. And once you forget how to live without it, you will obviously search for the best possible options of guitar toolkits available in the market. Best means great functionality, good usability, longer life, low maintenance, and decent price. Obviously, some factors might matter to you more than others. That will differ for each individual. But they will definitely fall into this list of factors. Here is a list compiled for you to compare these factors in each product and select the one that suits your need the best.

best guitar tool kits

Top 10 Best Guitar Tool Kits 2022 Reviews

1. MusicNomad MN228 The Octopus Plus Bit Set 17 N’1 Tech Tool

This toolkit from MusicNomad is a compact little solution to all the problems that can possibly occur in your guitar. These guys have made it super small and yet versatile. It will not take much space, but the design is so smart that it caters nearly everything. Tools, because they are made of steel and metal, can damage your guitar body. Your primary focus is on fixing the issue and usually the care takes the backseat and the body can be damaged, even severely. To cater to that, the Octopus Plus has a safety casing made of hardened nylon. It feels like rubber. So, it will not damage the body even if it hits the body with force.

Because this is a 17 in 1 design, it is next to impossible that there is a screw or a nut in an amp, pedal, processor, or a guitar that does not fit in any of those 17 options. In fact, you might even use the kit for most of your household stuff. It really is that versatile. The kit has 8 Allen keys, they are also known as hex bits. The size range is 1.5mm to 4mm. Not only that, but it also has 7 hex wrenches and 2 screwdriver bits. The screwdriver bits are for Philips and flathead, one for each. 

However, the coolest part about the entire kit is how all of these bits and wrenches are stored. Isn’t it pretty normal to lose tiny parts of toolkits? They just disappear in thin air and appear in the most stupid possible places after 15 centuries. And all of us hate how we can never find them when needed. These guys made a small neat little packing for all those bits and wrenches, each having its specific place which is nicely labeled on the holder. Just keep them in their place and the law of inertia will imply that you will find them there only. No frustrations or confusion. The price point for this product is also pretty attractive, which makes it a crazy option all in all.

  • Various sizes included.
  • Compact and easy design.
  • Nylon handle for protection.
  • Decently priced.
  • It does not include a box or package of any sort.

2. CruzTools Stagehand Compact Tech Kit Guitar Tools

This toolkit has been specifically designed to be your travel partner. It is really small but contains tools that will solve all your issues. Form pickups to intonations and beyond, this toolkit can fix all the issues in a guitar and a bass. It can also take care of some parts of the amps, pedals, and processors. And it does more work than just tightening the nuts. And all of this comes in a small pouch that can fit anywhere in your gig bag.

This toolkit from CruzTools is a 19-piece toolkit that has magnetic bits. With magnetic bits, you do not really need to put the focus on fixing them in the screwdriver. They kind of automatically fix themselves. So, making magnetic bits is a smart move. It definitely gives them an edge over other competitors. The sockets, the hex wrenches, the screwdriver, everything comes in millimeter and inches gauge. There might hardly be any bass or guitar out there this toolkit can’t entertain, really.

You might be wondering what those 19 pieces actually are. Let’s get on to that. So, 4 of those 19 pieces are screwdriver hex bits and 3 of them are sockets. That is 7. 6 out of the remaining 12 are hex bits in inches and the other 6 are hex bits in metric. Apart from these 19 pieces, the tool kit also contains a thickness gauge measurer. It is usually used for precise truss rod adjustment. It also has a built-in ruler in it. With this, you will also get a string cutter and a string winder. And all of this is confined in a small, easy-to-carry pouch.

The tool kit is not exactly cheap. But with the equipment, functionality, and usability it has, budgets can be pushed.

  • All-in-one solution to all guitar problems.
  • Carrying pouch included.
  • Expensive.

3. GIGmate Guitar Tool Kit & String Organizer

This one is bigger than the last one mentioned. The pouch is bigger in size because it has a little more equipment, but also because it is intentionally made a little bigger than needed so that you can have some extra space to keep tools you buy separately into this pouch too. Smart eh? The pouch is made of padded nylon and has a zipper on three sides of it; so, it basically opens like a book. 

GIGmate’s tool kit contains one screwdriver that has 2 fittings. One of them is for Philips and the other is for flathead. Then there are multiple steel cutters, there are several small driver fittings for the saddles, and there are also hex wrenches, 5 of them. Most of the sizes in a guitar or a bass are covered in this vast range. 

Moreover, it also has a 5mm truss rod key. Some people might also know it as a truss rod wrench. It is used to adjust the truss rod to achieve a better alignment of the neck and hence, better action. 5mm is a size that will fit in most of the truss rods. From Martin to Takamine, guitars of almost all brands can be taken care of by a 5mm key. There is also an action setup gauge and a string winder. And for acoustic guitars, this tool kit offers a bridge pin remover. You do not have to pull them with a plier anymore. 

No, it is certainly not a cheap option, but it does provide enough value for the money it demands. Hence, the prices are justified. The fact that it sells like hot cakes makes its demand in the market evident.

  • Robust packaging made of nylon.
  • Intelligent design with extra space.
  • Includes every tool one might need.
  • A little expensive than usual.

4. Elagon (ST) Guitar Pro-Care Cleaner Kit Bundle

Elagon’s Pro-Care is a brilliant design for a tool kit. It contains everything a guitarist would need. In fact, it contains some extra equipment that earns it brownie points over other tool kits. 

First and foremost, the packaging. It is a beautiful black rectangular pouch that has a three-way zipper, just like the GIGmate. Inside this sleek black pouch are compartments for every tool. So, the tools basically fix in their places. It is just too neat and tidy to be real. Not only that, but it is also large enough to give you extra space so that you can keep other small stuff in it too. Picks, maybe? 

Coming to the tools themselves, it contains all the 8 Allen Keys. It has a string winder that can be used for both guitar and bass. It also has a crazy strong plier that you can use to cut strings if needed. But one thing that you do not really get to see in tool kits except this one is the string action ruler with all the measurements. This is used to give a precise height to strings. It is a very pro thing. Moreover, it also contains this polish and small cloth that you can use to clean your instrument on and off. Brilliant value addition right there!

The tools and options Elagon’s Pro-Care provides are so much that this tool kit can also take care of other string instruments apart from a guitar and bass. It can work pretty well for a mandolin or a banjo for that matter.

  • Great design of pouch.
  • Variety of tools, including polish and cloth.
  • High quality.
  • It is expensive.
  • It does not contain a screwdriver.

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5. Ernie Ball Musician’s Tool Kit

Does the name not say it all? Ernie Ball essentially received all the popularity it has today because they offered what was not available in the market. And they have successfully maintained that unique selling point over the decades. They made their share in the market by introducing a new kind of guitar strings; a design that was presented to and rejected by Fender. Since then, they have gotten eyeballs for their differentiated products in every segment. Nothing is different with their tool kit.

This tool kit literally has more tools than one needs. It has a screwdriver that has 6 head options. 2 of them are for flatheads, 2 nut drivers, and 2 for Philips. Different sizes obviously. It also has a pretty strong plier that can be used to cut strings, and also a string winder. Probably nobody offers 18 options of Allen Keys except Ernie Ball. These 18 options will certainly cater to every size you can think of. It also has a 6-inch stainless steel ruler. You can obviously use it for multiple purposes apart from your guitar.

The pouch is again a rectangular three-way zipper with compartments for all the tools. But the best part is the price they demand for all those things. It is super competitive!

  • Numerous tools included.
  • A lot of variety in sizes.
  • Great price.
  • The size is a bit too large.

6. Medeer Guitar Tools Kit

Medeer, while manufacturing this kit, decided to stick to the basics. They did not intend to present something extra. Instead, they decided to give what is needed so that they can control the price. Which is smart, really.

This kit has 3 Allen keys, a screwdriver, a string winder, and a string cutter. All of these are kind of must-haves. In addition to these, it also consists of a 6-inch Stainless Steel ruler and a pin puller, in case you have an acoustic guitar.

Although small in size and less with options, it can easily change your strings, set your pickups and intonations, and fix your truss rods. And it can do all of that for an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, a bass, a ukulele, a mandolin, and basically any string instrument you can think of.

  • Compact design with essential options.
  • Affordable price.
  • The quality of the tools is not the best.

7. Sunflower Guitar Repairing Tool Kit

Sunflower gives great competition to Medeer for essential kits. Just like Medeer’s, Sunflower’s Guitar Repairing Tool Kit is a starter’s kit that does the job. Nothing more, nothing less. 

It has a 6-inch scale made of Stainless Steel. It has 3 Allen Keys, just like Medeer. It also has a screwdriver that has an adjustable length. A plier and a string winder are not missed either. They fall under essentials and must be included in every guitar kit. In addition, it has 3 guitar files. All three files a different. One is round, another is half-round, and the third one is flat. And yes, that is pretty much about it. They are more or less like Medeer’s kit, but some people might prefer Sunflower because of the quality of the tools. It is a little better than what Medeer had to offer.

  • Decent quality.
  • Great starter kit.
  • Affordable price.
  • The plier is not strong enough.

8. URlighting Guitar Repair Kit

Another player in the essential guitar kit segment is the URlighting. These guys also offer a tool kit that is basic, but it does all the essential jobs. Let’s see what is included in this one.

The tool kit has a plier that can be used to cut the strings. It also has a string winder so you would not have to spend 40 mins rotating your keys when you change your strings. It can also pull your bridge pins without harming the pins or your guitar’s body, though. Other than that, it contains 3 Allen keys, 3 guitar files, and a fret rocker. The guitar files, just like the Sunflower, are in 3 distinct shapes: a round one, a flat one, and a half-round one. And yes, obviously, a screwdriver is also part of the kit.

They offer all of this at a pretty decent price and hence, they also prove to be a great option if a basic guitar repair kit is what you are looking for.

  • Essential tools included.
  • Small size.
  • Low price point.
  • The quality of the tools is a little low.

9. Sunflower Guitar Repairing Tool Kit (26 Pcs)

Now, this is how Sunflower competes in the “big boys” segment. The tool kit previously mentioned was a basic kit, but this one is nowhere near to something basic. This is a tool kit that has 26 pieces, everything that other companies were offering.

It has guitar files of 4 kinds instead of the usual 3. The string action ruler included in this tool kit can be used from both sides. The wrench included is not just for the keys, it is for every nut a guitar has. The screwdriver is of adjustable length and the package also includes wire cutters. Along with all of that are fretboard guards, a plier, 3 Allen Keys, some picks, and a keychain. Cool, right?

  • A lot of extra complimentary stuff included.
  • Spacious bag.
  • Affordable price.
  • Tools are not of the best quality.

10. StewMac Guitar Tech Screwdriver and Wrench Set

Talk about being the best in your business. StewMac exactly knew how to make a tool kit. They knew the difference between a tool kit and a “cool” kit. So, they saved the latter and worked on their functionality.

This tool kit doesn’t have anything unnecessary. There are no picks and keychains included. It has a screwdriver that has 36 different heads to choose from! 11 flatheads, 11 Allen keys, and 6 Philips bits are some of those 36. There is a wire brush in case your guitar has rust, and there are start hole bits in case you’re working on an acoustic. And then they have their wrenches. The wrenches are not plastic or toy looking. These are double end steel wrenches, three in number. All of these options do not leave anything on a guitar inaccessible! To top it all off, their casing is out of the league. It’s not a case made of cloth, it is a hard case beautifully designed to keep everything inside and safe, and also has a handle and extension to carry easily. To make it the best deal ever, they are one of the most justifiably priced options in the market!

  • Great casing.
  • Extremely useful tools.
  • Compact packaging.
  • Extremely high quality.
  • Very decent pricing.
  • None.

Final Words

Considering the variety and quality of the tools included in guitar tool kits, and also keeping the price tags in mind, the best choice out of the top 10 tool kits for guitars would be the one StewMac offers. Some tool kits have extra offerings, but the quality is compromised. Some tool kits have great quality of tools, but then the options are very limited. And then there are some that have both but are priced really high. StewMac’s tool kit ticks all the checks and proves itself to be the most useful, durable, and affordable tool kit out there.

About Audrey O'Kelly

Audrey O'Kelly is a copywriter based in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. He is one of the founding members of KBonet with expertise in music instruments, wellness, and tech gadgets. He graduated from the UCL with a Bachelor of Arts in English. He is also our product researcher & his research for KBonet will align perfectly with your music needs.

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